FSR Documentation

Console Variable Default Value Value Range Details
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.AdjustMipBias 1 0, 1 Applies negative MipBias to material textures, improving results.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.Sharpness 0 0.0 – 1.0 When greater than 0.0 this enables Robust Contrast Adaptive Sharpening Filter to sharpen the output image.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.AutoExposure 0 0, 1 Set to 1 to use FSR3’s own auto-exposure, otherwise the engine’s auto-exposure value is used.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.HistoryFormat 0 0, 1 Selects the bit-depth for the FSR3 history texture format, defaults to PF_FloatRGBA but can be set to PF_FloatR11G11B10 to reduce bandwidth at the expense of quality.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.QualityMode 1 0 – 4 FSR3 Mode. Lower values yield superior images. High values yield improved performance.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.CreateReactiveMask 1 0, 1 Enable to generate a mask from the SceneColor, GBuffer, SeparateTranslucency and ScreenspaceReflections that determines how reactive each pixel should be.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskReflectionScale 0.4 0.0 – 1.0 Scales the Unreal engine reflection contribution to the reactive mask, which can be used to control the amount of aliasing on reflective surfaces.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskReflectionLumaBias 0 0.0 – 1.0 Biases the reactive mask by the luminance of the reflection. Use to balance aliasing against ghosting on brightly lit reflective surfaces.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskRoughnessScale 0.15 0.0 – 1.0 Scales the GBuffer roughness to provide a fallback value for the reactive mask when screenspace and planar reflections are disabled or do not affect a pixel.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskRoughnessBias 0.25 0.0 – 1.0 Biases the reactive mask value when screenspace/planar reflections are weak with the GBuffer roughness to account for reflection environment captures.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskRoughnessMaxDistance 6000 0.0 – INF Maximum distance in world units for using material roughness to contribute to the reactive mask, the maximum of this value and View.FurthestReflectionCaptureDistance will be used.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskRoughnessForceMaxDistance 0 0, 1 Enable to force the maximum distance in world units for using material roughness to contribute to the reactive mask rather than using View.FurthestReflectionCaptureDistance.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskTranslucencyBias 1.0 0.0 – 1.0 Scales how much contribution translucency makes to the reactive mask. Higher values will make translucent materials more reactive which can reduce smearing.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskTranslucencyLumaBias 0.0 0.0 – 1.0 Biases the translucency contribution to the reactive mask by the luminance of the transparency. Higher values will make bright translucent materials more reactive which can reduce smearing.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveHistoryTranslucencyBias 0.5 0.0 – 1.0 Scales how much translucency suppresses history via the reactive mask. Higher values will make translucent materials more reactive which can reduce smearing.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveHistoryTranslucencyLumaBias 0.0 0.0 – 1.0 Biases how much the translucency suppresses history via the reactive mask by the luminance of the transparency. Higher values will make bright translucent materials more reactive which can reduce smearing.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskPreDOFTranslucencyScale 1.0 0.0 – 1.0 Scales how much contribution pre-Depth-of-Field translucency color makes to the reactive mask. Higher values will make translucent materials more reactive which can reduce smearing.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskPreDOFTranslucencyMax 0 0, 1 Toggle to determine whether to use the max(SceneColorPostDepthOfField - SceneColorPreDepthOfField) or length(SceneColorPostDepthOfField - SceneColorPreDepthOfField) to determine the contribution of Pre-Depth-of-Field translucency.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskTranslucencyMaxDistance 500000 0.0 – INF Maximum distance in world units for using translucency to contribute to the reactive mask. This is a way to remove sky-boxes and other back-planes from the reactive mask, at the expense of nearer translucency not being reactive.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskReactiveShadingModelID MSM_NUM 0- MSM_NUM Treat the specified shading model as reactive, taking the CustomData0.x value as the reactive value to write into the mask.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ReactiveMaskForceReactiveMaterialValue 0.0 0.0-1.0 Force the reactive mask value for Reactive Shading Model materials, when > 0 this value can be used to override the value supplied in the Material Graph.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ForceVertexDeformationOutputsVelocity 1 0, 1 Force enables materials with World Position Offset and/or World Displacement to output velocities during velocity pass even when the actor has not moved.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.ForceLandscapeHISMMobility 0 0, 1, 2 Allow FSR3 to force the mobility of Landscape actors Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh components that use World-Position-Offset materials so they render valid velocities. Setting 1 is faster on the CPU, 2 is faster on the GPU.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.UseSSRExperimentalDenoiser 0 0, 1 Enable to use r.SSR.ExperimentalDenoiser when FSR3 is enabled. This is required when r.FidelityFX.FSR3.CreateReactiveMask is enabled as the FSR3 plugin overrides r.SSR.ExperimentalDenoiser to capture reflection data to generate the reactive mask.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.UseNativeDX12 1 0, 1 True to use FSR3’s native and optimised D3D12 backend, false to use the fallback implementation based on Unreal’s RHI.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.UseRHI 0 0, 1 True to enable FSR3’s default RHI backend, false to disable in which case a native backend must be enabled.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.QuantizeInternalTextures 0 0, 1 Setting this to 1 will round up the size of some internal texture to ensure a specific divisibility. This is only intended for compatibility if required. Default is 0.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.EnabledInEditorViewport 0 0, 1 Enable FidelityFX Super Resolution for Temporal Upscale in the Editor viewport by default.
r.FidelityFX.FSR3.DeDither 2 0, 1, 2 Enable an extra pass to de-dither rendering before handing over to FSR3 to avoid over-thinning. Can be set to Full for all pixels or to just around Hair for Deferred Renderer. Defaults to Hair Only.
r.FidelityFX.FI.Enabled 1 0, 1 Enable FidelityFX Frame Interpolation.
r.FidelityFX.FI.CaptureDebugUI 1 0, 1 Force FidelityFX Frame Interpolation to detect and copy any debug UI which only renders on the first invocation of Slate’s DrawWindow command. Disabled in Shipping builds.
r.FidelityFX.FI.OverrideSwapChainDX12 1 0, 1 True to use FSR3’s D3D12 swap-chain override that improves frame pacing, false to use the fallback implementation based on Unreal’s RHI.
r.FidelityFX.FI.AllowAsyncWorkloads 1 0, 1 True to use async. execution of Frame Interpolation, 0 to run Frame Interpolation synchronously with the game.
r.FidelityFX.FI.UpdateGlobalFrameTime 0 0, 1 True to update the GAverageMs/GAverageFPS globals with average frame time/FPS calculated by the frame interpolation code.
r.FidelityFX.FI.ShowDebugTearLines 1 0, 1 Show the debug tear lines when running Frame Interpolation. Not available in Test/Shipping builds.
r.FidelityFX.FI.ShowDebugView 0 0, 1 Show the debug view when running Frame Interpolation. Not available in Test/Shipping builds.
r.FidelityFX.FI.UIMode 0 0, 1 The method to render the UI when using Frame Generation. Slate Redraw (0): will cause Slate to render the UI on to both the real & generated images. UI Extraction (1): will compare the pre- & post- UI frame to extract the UI and copy it on to the generated frame.
r.FidelityFX.FI.ModifySlateDeltaTime 1 0, 1 Set the FSlateApplication delta time to 0.0 when redrawing the UI for the ‘Slate Redraw’ UI mode to prevent widgets’ NativeTick implementations updating incorrectly, ignored when using ‘UI Extraction’.
r.FidelityFX.FI.RHIPacingMode 0 0, 1 Enable pacing frames when using the RHI backend. None (0) : No frame pacing. Custom Present VSync (1) : enable VSync for the second presented frame.