r.NGX.Automation.Enable Enable automation for NGX DLSS image quality and performance evaluation. (default = 0)
r.NGX.Automation.NonGameViews Enable NGX DLSS image quality and performance automation for non-game views. (default = 0).
r.NGX.Automation.ViewIndex Select which view to use with NGX DLSS image quality and performance automation. (default = 0).
r.NGX.BinarySearchOrder 0: automatic: (default)use custom binaries from project and launch folder $(ProjectDir)/Binaries/ThirdParty/NVIDIA/NGX/$(Platform) if presentfallback to generic binaries from plugin folder1: force generic binaries from plugin folder, fail if not found2: force custom binaries from project or launch folder, fail if not found3: force generic development binaries from plugin folder, fail if not found. This is only supported in non-shipping build configurations
r.NGX.DLSS.AutoExposure 0: Use the engine-computed exposure value for input images to DLSS - in some cases this may reduce artifacts1: Enable DLSS internal auto-exposure instead of the application provided one (default)
r.NGX.DLSS.AutomationTesting Whether the NGX library should be loaded when GIsAutomationTesting is true.(default is false)Must be set to true before startup. This can be enabled for cases where running automation testing with DLSS desired
r.NGX.DLSS.BuiltInDenoiserOverride Change what happens to the built-in denoisers-1: automatic, depending on r.NGX.DLSS.DenoiserMode (default)0: skip all built-in denoising1: use built-in denoising
r.NGX.DLSS.DenoiserMode Configures how DLSS denoises0: off, no denoising (default)1: DLSS-RR enabled
r.NGX.DLSS.DilateMotionVectors 0: pass low resolution motion vectors into DLSS-SR1: pass dilated high resolution motion vectors into DLSS-SR. This can help with improving image quality of thin details. (default)
r.NGX.DLSS.DisableSubsurfaceCheckerboard Skip checkerboard decoding for GBuffer Resolve Pass
r.NGX.DLSS.Enable Enable/Disable DLSS entirely.
r.NGX.DLSS.EnableAlphaUpscaling Enables Alpha channel upscalingNote: r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha MUST be enabled for this feature to work.0: off (default)1: on
r.NGX.DLSS.FeatureCreationNode Determines which GPU the DLSS feature is getting created on-1: Create on the GPU the command list is getting executed on (default)0: Create on GPU node 01: Create on GPU node 1
r.NGX.DLSS.FeatureVisibilityMask Determines which GPU the DLSS feature is visible to-1: Visible to the GPU the command list is getting executed on (default)1: visible to GPU node 02: visible to GPU node 13: visible to GPU node 0 and GPU node 1
r.NGX.DLSS.MinimumWindowsBuildVersion Sets the minimum Windows 10 build version required to enable DLSS. (default: 16299 for v1709, Windows 10 Fall 2017 Creators Update 64-bit)
r.NGX.DLSS.PreferNISSharpen Prefer sharpening with an extra NIS plugin sharpening pass instead of DLSS sharpening if the NIS plugin is also enabled for the project. (default: 1)Requires the NIS plugin to be enabled0: Softening/sharpening with the DLSS pass.1: Sharpen with the NIS plugin. Softening is not supported. Requires the NIS plugin to be enabled.2: Sharpen with the NIS plugin. Softening (i.e. negative sharpness) with the DLSS plugin. Requires the NIS plugin to be enabled.Note: This cvar is only evaluated when using the deprecated SetDLSSSharpness Blueprint function, from either C++ or a Blueprint event graph!Note: DLSS sharpening is deprecated, future plugin versions will remove DLSS sharpening. Use the NIS plugin for sharpening instead
r.NGX.DLSS.Preset DLSS-SR/DLSS-RR/DLAA preset setting. Allows selecting a different DL model than the default0: Use default preset or ini value1: Force preset A2: Force preset B3: Force preset C4: Force preset D5: Force preset E6: Force preset F7: Force preset G
r.NGX.DLSS.Reflections.TemporalAA Apply a temporal AA pass on the denoised reflections
r.NGX.DLSS.ReleaseMemoryOnDelete Enabling/disable releasing DLSS related memory on the NGX side when DLSS features get released.(default=1)
r.NGX.DLSS.Sharpness [deprecated] -1.0 to 1.0: Softening/sharpening to apply to the DLSS pass. Negative values soften the image, positive values sharpen. (default: 0.0f)
r.NGX.DLSS.WaterReflections.TemporalAA Apply a temporal AA pass on the denoised water reflections
r.NGX.Enable Whether the NGX library should be loaded. This allow to have the DLSS plugin enabled but avoiding potential incompatibilities by skipping the driver side NGX parts of DLSS. Can also be set on the command line via -ngxenable and -ngxdisable
r.NGX.Enable.AllowCommandLine Whether to allow to override r.NGX.Enable with -ngxenable and -ngxdisable
r.NGX.EnableOtherLoggingSinks Determines whether the NGX implementation will write logs to files. Can also be set on the command line via -NGXLogFileEnable and -NGXLogFileDisable0: off (default)1: on
r.NGX.FramesUntilFeatureDestruction Number of frames until an unused NGX feature gets destroyed. (default=3)
r.NGX.LogLevel Determines the minimal amount of logging the NGX implementation pipes into LogDLSSNGX. Can be overridden by the -NGXLogLevel= command line optionPlease refer to the DLSS plugin documentation on other ways to change the logging level.0: off1: on (default)2: verbose
r.NGX.ProjectIdentifier 0: automatic: (default)use NVIDIA NGX Application ID if non-zero, otherwise use UE Project ID)1: force UE Project ID2: force NVIDIA NGX Application ID (set via the Project Settings -> NVIDIA DLSS plugin)
r.NGX.RenameNGXLogSeverities Renames 'error' and 'warning' in messages returned by the NGX log callback to 'e_rror' and 'w_arning' before passing them to the UE log system0: off1: on, for select messages during initalization (default)2: on, for all messages
r.ShaderPrint.FontSpacingX ShaderPrint horizontal spacing between symbols.